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LG EAY64328701 (EAX66832401(1.3)) Power Supply 55LH5750-UB
- SKU: EAY64328701
- Warranty: 30-Day Warranty
- Part Type: Power Supply Unit
- Part Number: EAY64328701
- Part Usage: LED/LCD
- MFR Part Number 1: LG EAY64328701
- Board Number(s): EAX66832401(1.3), LGP55BI-16CH1 ShopJimmy recommends ordering by part number whenever possible. Often times there are TV models that use more than one set of parts and/or panels.
- Brands: Lg
- Important Message: Partial part number (64328701) can be found on the sticker.
- TV Part Types: Power Supply
- TV Models:
Lg 55LH5750-UB BUSCLORLG 55LH575A-UE - Location: NB5 (contains 1 for sure) NB59 NB67 RH,